These are my personal assistants, ;) Left to right: Cinder, Jace and Merlin.

Hi! I'm Kelly.
Nice to meet you! I own and run Everwood Photography by myself.
About Me:
- Avid Equine Enthusiast (Especially Thoroughbred Mares. Yes, I am one of those crazy mare people.)
- I love dog training, and have a few tricks up my sleeve to get Fido to do what I need them to do for the pictures. (In a kind and effective way!)
- Mom to a horse, one dog, two cats, 20 chickens and a human toddler.
- Born and raised in the Netherlands, in case you were wondering where that accent was from, haha.
- I love reading Fantasy Books.
- I am ALWAYS covered in hair. It's like magic - I just have to look at one of my cats and -poof- covered in hair!
- Photoshop Wizard!

Why Hire Me?
While the name Everwood Photography is still pretty recent, I have experience running a professional business since 2014. I am professional, punctual, kind and skilled. I don't believe in pushing a sale, I believe in my images and products selling themselves. I have attended numerous workshops and I am always polishing my craft. Some of the people I've learned from: Barbara Brady-Smith from Share the Joy Photography, Barbara Breitsameter, Ann Gordon, to name a few.
During a session I am patience itself. Fido might have decided to leave his manners at home, whiskers won't come out from under the bed or Spirit has decided that instead of spooking at a single corner of the arena, the ENTIRE arena is lava today. That's okay. I have the tools and knowledge to get the images, even if Fido can't sit still for a single second, let alone hold a sit. I understand animals and work WITH them instead of against them. I am great at action shots. In fact, they are some of my favourite images to create. (See the image bottom right! That was taken during my workshop with Barbara from Share the Joy Photography.)
I also have a great sense of humour and if your pet is exceptionally shy, I will work with them at their comfort level, not mine. Some of the pets you'll see on this website weren't comfortable with a stranger and her creepy camera up close, so I worked with them from more of a distance. You can always tell when an animal is uncomfortable and my goal is to create images of happy, relaxed pets, not anxious or stressed out ones.
I am a talented and exceptional photographer. Almost all images on this site have been created and edited by me. (With exception of the two images next to this text block!) In addition to that, I am a photoshop wizard. (Witch?) I can edit out leashes, make a black dog actually look black in their images (instead of blue!), replace skies, make you look your best (because let's face it, do you have a GREAT portrait of yourself with your beloved animal? Because I can take one for you - and make you look your absolute best.) and many many more things.